A Little Bit About Me

Hi there! So you want to know more about me? Where to start?!?

I’m half Argentine, and love visiting the country and all my family there. The laid back culture is definitely something to be desired! I have a love for all things latin including the music, spending a lot of my time in the car or at home having artists like Maluma and Bad Bunny on full blast. I used to be a ballroom and Latin dancer, and my love for a boogie has continued - you can always find me on a dance floor at any event!

I’ve alwasy been interested in anything creative and expressive. I started off with drawing as a young child, and at one point I thought I’d become a cartoonist; which was short lived but was a segway into Art in general - painting, sketching, scrapbooking, and then into Photography. I started photographing at around 13 years old with that classic, bad quality point-shoot camera, but over time I started taking “good” photos (well, good enough to be printed and framed round the house). I became more passionate about photography as I grew up, eventually doing it for an A-level and then onto university to do a Degree in it. I came away with a First Class degree and all of a sudden I thought “now what do i do? am I photographer?'“. I didn’t really have much time to think about it as a few months after I graduated we were in Lock Down. During Covid I used the time to work on my style more, taking a creative selfie evey month for a year. Once things opened up again and wedding were allowed to happen, I realised that one of the main things I liked to capture was emotion, and a wedding was the best place to do that! I’ve been photograping weddings for three years now and absoultey love it. I feel calm in the fast-paced environemnt and take pride in the photographs I capture.